Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Do you know anyone who works a 9-5 and just is not happy with tier job, don't have time to spend with their family, or just want to start your own business. Well I have some great news for you. You can do these things, generate income and do it all from the comfort of your home with our company Xplocial. I will inform you on how you can get the income you have dreamed of and how it can literally change your life. You can enjoy and bask in the glow of having financial freedom to live your life the way it was intended.

What is Xpolcial and what it does?
We know in order for a business to grow, it has to have constant traffic, Marketing and advertising is the lifeline of any business. Our company is an online marketing company that aids companies with promoting their businesses with discount incentives that will attract customers. This will help generate sales and revenue.

What is the product?
Well I'm glad you asked. Our products are something everyone can benefit from. We have discounts incentives on groceries, electronics such as laptop and cell phones, hotels, airline tickets, getaways,  four and five star resorts and cruises, just to name a few. There are also discounts on shopping, restaurants, and movie tickets. With all these discounts, you will save so much money.

What's in it for me?
Great question!!Well joining our company will definitely answer that question for you. Our company has a 100% COMMISSION COMPENSATION PLAN!! There is a pass up of your 1st, 3rd and 6th person to your sponsor but that's all. You profit from your 2nd, 4th and 5th person. But your 7th person on out you profit  100% COMMISSION!  We have two membership packages. The Gold is $29.00 and the Platinum is $100. And there is also an affiliate fee of $24.99 to help set up your website, training, marketing tools, and so that you can receive the commission from sales. There is such a small start up cost....$154 monthly. For an example, if 10 people join your team at the Platinum  membership, which is $129, that's $1,290 - $387.00(Pass up to sponsor). You have made $903 and you just got back  your $154 investment 5 times over.  But get this, that $903 is RESIDUAL INCOME MONTHLY plus your other sales! THAT'S OUT OF THIS WORLD! And for every person that your 10 people on your team sign up, they pass up their 1st, 3rd, and 6th person to you as their sponsor. So your 10 people on your team plus their pass ups, which is 30 people, equals 40 people TOTAL ON YOUR TEAM. Now 40 people times $129(Platinum membership) is $5,160 you have just profit!! And all that's your 100 COMISSION! And it's RESIDUAL EVERY MONTH! Boy that's enough to get anyone excited about making that kind of money.

Join Today!
Come on and get financial freedom and live a prosperous life. You deserve it. You can join my team today by clicking on the link. http://xplocial.com/video.php?id=SHUNDAG1031 It will take you to my website with a video explaining in depth of what I just shared.  For more information visit my website  http://xplocial.com/?id=SHUNDAG1031  See you at the top because you are definitely on your way!

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